Not all drug crimes are created equal. Being caught with a very small amount of marijuana is not the same as being caught with heroin. The penalties for possession vary based on the type of drug, but make no mistake, possession of any controlled substance is a serious...
Personal Attention, Aggressive And Accomplished Advocacy

Year: 2018
When drug addiction leads to burglary
It’s not uncommon for drug addiction to lead to burglary. In fact, stealing is usually a sign that someone has become an addict. If you or someone you know has been struggling with addiction, read on to learn about the cost of burglary in Georgia. Georgia burglary law...
Why Georgia is one of the strictest states on DUI
Many party-goers underestimate how serious a DUI charge can be. They think that they can drive as long as it is a short distance to their home or if they only had a few drinks and are perfectly capable of going behind the wheel. These assumptions prove to be their...
Georgia implied consent: Refuse a chemical test, get convicted
Graduations, holidays and the Georgia sunshine create environments for celebration. Adults of all ages make the decision to consume alcohol, yet a fraction of these people drive while intoxicated. A conviction of driving drunk in Georgia holds serious consequences....
Reasons not to try a do-it-yourself divorce
There is a lot to think about if you are considering getting a divorce. Divorce can be messy and complicated. Aside from the emotional effect it could have on you, there are other potential negative results of a divorce.Divorce is expensive and you might consider...
Mediation can be an easier way to divorce
Divorce has earned a reputation for being drawn out, messy ordeals. Because of this, some couples choose to delay separating rather than face the process of a long divorce.What many people don’t know is that there’s a simpler method. Mediation can...