Personal Attention, Aggressive And Accomplished Advocacy

Attorney Katherine A. Gonos

Can I get in trouble for allowing underage drinking in my home?

On Behalf of | Sep 23, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Many people might not know that hosting gatherings can carry serious responsibilities, especially if it involves minors and alcohol. Georgia has strict penalties when it comes to giving alcohol to individuals younger than twenty-one.

Homeowners can get into legal hot water for allowing underage drinking on their property. This blog examines the legal downsides and tips on how to keep things above board.

Understanding the law

Georgia has a law prohibiting the provision of alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years old. This includes allowing underage drinking at home or in other private areas. Keep these points in mind:

  • Furnishing alcohol: Giving alcohol to minors or making it easily accessible may lead to criminal charges.
  • Knowingly allowing: Even if someone did not provide alcohol, they could get into trouble for permitting underage drinking on their property.
  • Consequences: Violations can result in fines, prison time and a criminal record.

Awareness of these laws can guide homeowners when it comes to hosting events or welcoming guests to their homes.

What precautions can I take?

While legal defenses may exist for these charges, there are some things one can do to prevent these problems from sneaking up on them. Consider these strategies to avoid problems:

  • Age verification: If there will be alcohol at an event, confirm that all guests are above the age of eighteen.
  • Event supervision: Keep a close watch on all activities, especially if young people are present.
  • Alcohol security: Hide alcoholic beverages in areas that minors cannot access.
  • Legal education: Stay informed about Georgia’s alcohol laws.

Allowing young people to drink in a private residence can cause serious legal trouble. Individuals facing charges over this issue can seek out counsel to help them tackle the legal process and safeguard their rights.